Landing Crafts
Lanchas de Desembarco
Note: We have other landing crafts for sale not listed below.
Nota: Tenemos otros "landing crafts" a la venta que no aparecen listados aquí.
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New Build Landing Craft
File 2344LC
68m x 16m x 3.5m draft
Will be available Oct-Nov. 2025
Twin Engines, fully equipped
120 TEU or 54 FEU + 12 TEU Capacity
Southeast Asia location
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
WhatsApp: +1 386-937-2615
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Ro-Ro Landing Craft
File 2295LC
Aluminum Catamaran Landing Craft
Originally built 2009 Europe
Refit is 75% completed
Aft & Stern Ramps
(2) New CAT C-32 engines 1000 HP
New Caterpillar C4 50KW Genset
NW location, Non-US flag
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
WhatsApp: +1 386-937-2615
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Ex-Military LCM-3
File 2292LC
50’ x 14.5’ x 3.5’
1985 former military landing craft
Twin 6-71 DD engines, 450HP total
60,000 lbs. cargo capacity, aluminum crane
Southeast US location
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
WhatsApp: +1 386-937-2615
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28' Motorized Landing Craft
File 2286LC
High Density Poly Ethylene Build
300 HP diesel outboard motor
Electric bow door, 6000 lb. cargo capacity
Wheelhouse folds down for travel
Triple Axel aluminum trailer included
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
WhatsApp: +1 386-937-2615
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Ro-Ro Landing Craft
File 2230LC
71.44 m x 17.30 m x 3.43 m draft
Built in Norway 1979
New (2021) Caterpillar 3516 Engine
Twin Disc Gear 6.02:1
2100 MT Cargo capacity
Currently in Dry-Dock, N
Needs completion of repairs.
South America location
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
WhatsApp: +1 386-937-2615
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New Build Landing Craft
File 2039LC
New Build Landing Craft
46 m x 10.90 m x 2.50 m draft
2 Yanmar Tier II Engines 650Hp each @1900rpm
Reintjes Gearbox, 4.92:1 ratio
2 Cummins generators, bow thruster and more
Can be inspected east Malaysia
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
WhatsApp: +1 386-937-2615

Sale/Charter Landing Craft
File 1994LC
Presently on Charter
Off the Market
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Turnkey Utility Vessel
File 1246LC
135’ x 30’ Steel Landing Craft
2 Detroit 12V-71 Engines, 500 HP each
3,500 gallons fuel tank plus 500 gal. reserve tank
Recently drydocked July 2019
Owner reported great condition & ready to work.
Located in Central America
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
SE Asia Landing Craft
File 1797LC
65m x 12.50m x 3.30m
2 x 600hp Yanmar 6 HYM-STE engines
HCD 300 Gears (5:1 ratio)
52.50 x 12.50 + 3.00 x 9.30 mts deck space
Full electronics, presently operating SE Asia
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
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RO/Pax LC Ferry
File 1630LC
Built 1993 Europe
106’ x 33’ x 4.9' max. draft
2 DAEWOO engines 370 BHP each
2 Perkins generators
18 car capacity or (2) 39’ trucks + 7 cars
68 / 150 passenger capacity
European location
Call Larry: 386-937-2615
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118' LCU
File 1176LC
118 feet Landing craft LCU. Built in 1954.
(2) Detroit 6V-71's + 1 Detroit 6V-92 in the center.
3 new generators 2040 and 75KW.
Complete new pilot house and controls
Most of her life in fresh water.
Extensive restoration in 2015, new plating,
new shafts, props and new gate.
Recently been admeasured by ABS
CG documented for coastwise use
West Coast US location
Reduced Price
Call Larry: 386-937-2615